While this release is nit on the same level as the 3DS iterations of, say, Resident Evil or Metal Gear Solid, it’s a perfectly decent fighter and a solid addition to theplatform.Released about a week ago, Tekken 3D marks the series first appearance on the Nintendo3DS, and from a technical perspective, it makes quite an impression. The game runs incredibly well on the 3DS, with gorgeous graphics and fluid animations running at a silky smooth60 frames a second, even with 3D turned on. I mean, that is...this is starting to turn me on. The game continues to impress in terms of its mechanics, as well.
Tekken 3D has exactly the kind of fast-paced and smooth fighting you’d expect from the series. The game really captures the feel of its proper console releases, and you ire a fan of the genre, you ire going to like that. What you might like a little less, though, is the games lack of content. And Aim not talking about the characters, either the entire roster from Tekken 6 is available intake 3D, so no worries there. But the problem is what you can do with them.
That is to say, not very much. So Quick Battle is your standard arcade mode, in which you face ten fighters in sequence, and there is also an endurance mode and a versus mode, which is your local and incredibly lagging online multiplayer. But otherwise, there is not really anything else to do intake 3D. At least, not when it comes to fighting.Thereís no mode for chair shots. Of course, the caveat here is that there are other things to do. Specifically, there are these Tekken cards that you earn during game play that you can trade via Street Pass.
There are 700 of these things, and they feature artwork and characters from Tekken history. So ifyouíre a fan of the series that is a cool addition. If you ire a fan of fighting, maybe not. Thatís really what it comes down to? This is an impressive game without much of a game built around it. But if you ire finished with Street Fighter and looking for a new fighter on the 3DS, Tekken 3D: Prime Edition is a solid option. Plus...kangaroos with boxing gloves.